01 September 2014

Easy Ways to Make Your Home Energy Efficient During the Winter

Snow For The HolidaysWinter is the time when we crank on those heaters and light those gas fires. However, those energy and gas bills are not cheap. There are many things that we can do to make our homes more energy efficient so that warmth does not escape from your home. Often a trip to your local lumber yard can make a huge difference. Some of these suggestions, a knowledgeable homeowner could do with the help of an expert, but other suggestions, many homeowners may want to have a professional do them instead. Take a look at different areas of your home that could probably be made more efficient with these simple tips.

Projects most homeowners can do on their own:


All exterior doors should have proper weather stripping or storm doors. Storm doors also allow for an extra layer of insulation. Storm doors are very easy to install and most homeowners can do it on their own. Most lumber yards have experts that can help you find the best storm door for your home.

Furnace Filters

Change your furnace filters at the beginning of winter and once every month. Clogged filters are inefficient and force your filters to work at a higher temperature than needed. This will greatly raise your heating bill, whereas a clear furnace filter can be efficient and less expensive than those raised heating bills. Clear filters are also beneficial for health reasons. They also help remove debris that may cause illness and worsen allergies from the air.

Projects that may need the help of construction professionals:


If an area of your home seems to always be colder than the rest of your home, it may not be properly insulated. It may be a good idea for you to hire a professional to come and assess the insulation of your home to see if any extra insulation will be necessary. Proper insulation of your home can save you almost 20% on your heating and cooling bill.


Install window insulation over your windows. While windows can bring much of the sun’s warmth into your home during the day, during the evening, heat easily escapes. Adding a second layer of insulation makes it more difficult for heat to escape. There are many beautiful energy efficient windows that most lumber yards have to offer. Also, adding caulking and weatherstripping to your windows can prevent the cold from coming into your home.

Lumber yards, like Lampert Lumber, will have all the tools and supplies that you will need to complete some home improvement projects that will help your home be more energy efficient and will save you money on your heating bills. We hope that you will all stay warm and cozy this winter and that your home will be prepared for this harsh winter weather.

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