
With over 100 years of experience in the building industry, Lampert Lumber has worked with a number of different types of insulation. You can rely on us for insulation products that are built to last. Our experts will help you find the best insulation solution for your next project. When choosing brands to offer in our locations, we always consider the level of experience, quality and commitment to customer satisfaction. Hunter is a brand that has not only established a great reputation for their products, but continues to innovate and head in the right direction.

Founded in 1977, Hunter distinguishes themselves as a proactive manufacturer and a leader in product marketing. Their strong team of industry professionals know insulation, inside and out. They really care about their products and work hard to make sure their merchandise is customer driven and technically proficient. Hunter has seven cutting edge manufacturing facilities that allow their products to be distributed all over the United States.

At Lampert Lumber, we are proud to provide these great insulation products to you. Stop by one of our locations to talk with an expert about Hunter insulation. We look forward to helping you find the best products for your project.


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